Unity Ads channel integration

  • Last updated: May 18, 2023

Information that needs to be provided:

  • For integration:
  1. Step 1 - Organization ID + Organization Core ID + API Key
  2. Step 2 - Service account roles, Key ID + Secret Key;
  • For data validation:
  1. Unity Ads authorization.

Step 1 - API Key, Organization name + Organization ID + Organization Core ID

  1. 1. Open the Acquire Dashboard.
  2. 2. Select Growth > Settings from the navigation.
  3. 3. On the settings page, please copy Organization, Organization ID, Organization Core ID fields
  4. 4. Then proceed to Growth > API Management
  5. 5. On the API management page, please copy API Key field (Note: If the API Key is not set, please click Create first)
Unity integration guide 1

Step 2 - Advertise API admin role, Key ID + Secret Key

  1. 1. Make sure you are an Organization Owner or you won't be able to manage service accounts or access your keys.
  2. 2. To obtain the required access keys, you need to have a service account.
  3. How to create a service account:
  • Go to Admin Portal > Service Accounts
  • From the Service Accounts panel, click Create service account.
  • Type in service account name: Relsa, then click Create.
  • The new service account will appear in the list of service accounts.
  1. Note: If you don't have the ability to access the dashboard section mentioned above, please reach out to your Unity account representative.
Unity integration guide 2
  1. 3. How to set up Advertise API admin role:
  • From the Service Accounts page, select Relsa account.
  • Navigate to the Organization Roles section. Set the Advertise API admin to Enabled to allow access to the API endpoint:
Unity integration guide 3
  1. Note: If you don't see Advertise API admin role, please reach out to Unity support using this request form. You can modify and use following description for request:
  1. "Greetings.
  2. We're working with Unity Advertising Management API, but some of endpoints are forbidden because of organization roles.
  3. At now our organization role checkboxes are:
  4. Advertise API Apps Editor
  5. Advertise API Campaigns Editor
  6. Advertise API Targeting Editor
  7. We need:
  8. Advertise API Admin
  9. Could you activate this organization roles for our organization?
  10. Organization: xxxxxx
  11. Organization core ID: xxxxxxxxxxx
  12. Organization ID: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
Request form example

  1. 4. How to create service account keys:
  • In the Keys section, click Create key to generate a Key ID and a Secret key.
  • When keys created, make sure to copy Secret key and keep it in a safe place, such as a text file for future reference, because you won't be able to view it again.
Unity integration guide 4